Curriculum Vitae

Prof. Dr. med. Alois Mader


Date of birth: June, 10. 1935
Place of birth: Plana / Marianske Lacne, Czech Republic


1954    High school graduate (Abitur)

1960    Medical Diploma Martin Luther University Halle/Saale, GDR

1961-1964    Medical Practitioner

1965-1974 Assistant Practioner as a Member of German Sports Medical Health Care System (later on known as SMD) and since 1968 an integral part the GDR Elite Sports Medicine Program.

1966-1969 Graduated to a certified Sports Medical Specialist, being a medical Practitioner at the Martin-Luther-University Halle (MLU) for 1 year MLU - Orthopaedic and 1 year Internal Medicine, with a ¼ year left for the preparation to the examination procedure, for being a certified Sports Medical Specialist summer 1969

1969- May 1974 Leader of the Department of Exercise Physiology and Performance Testing at the 1968/1969 new established Center for Sports Medicine (called "Sportärztliche Hauptberatung") in Halle/Saale.
Scientific tasks:

  • Development of the Determination of the arterial blood lactate content from 20 micro liter samples taken from the earlobe together with Dr. rer. nat. Peter Haase (Chemist). Applied for monitoring the metabolic state of athletes during the end of the year 1970, mainly 1971.
  • Developing of a sports specific test, which allows the approximate calculation of the competition performance in a narrow range in the field of middle distance running (400 m to 3000 m) and in crawl swimming (100 m to the 400 m distance).
  • Improvement of the very poor technical base for monitoring oxygen uptake (VO2 l/min) during ergometric vita maxima tests up to the level of 6.5 l/min of oxygen uptake. Developing of a basic theoretical concept of the interdependence of sports performance and the metabolic capability of the human body.

I was never a member of the ruling communist party (SED). As until 1968 "Exercise Physiology" in the field of "elite sports" became a "secret task", and was tightly watched since 1972 by the "State Security Service", called "MfS", there was a growing need to leave the system.

May 1974    Escape to West Germany

August 1974 -1987  Assistent Professor, Institute of Cardiology and Sports Medicine, German Sports University (DSHS),

Cologne 1976 Developing the base of the concept of a Fixed 4,0 mmol/l Lactate Anaerobic Threshold.

1981 Doctoral thesis.

1984 Habilitation; post Doctoral thesis: "A theory for the calculation of the Dynamic and the steady state of the state of phosphorylation and the metabolic activity of the muscle cell as a function of the energy demand." o the state of phosphorylation means: the phosphorylation state of the cytosolic high energy phosphate System (ATP and PCr). The metabolic activity adresses the activity of glycolysis and mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation.

1987 – 2000 Full Professor Sports Medicine, Institute of Cardiology and Sports Medicine, German Sports University Cologne

1982 and 1988 Sports Physician of the West German Olympic Rowing Team.

Research topics:

  1. Theory and praxis of testing the metabolic components of sports performance in running, swimming and rowing based on the mathematical evaluation of the 3 metabolic components of muscular energy supply.
  2. Development of mathematical models of the regulation of energy supply by glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation at the level of muscle cells." Later on since 1990 supported by the DFG (Deutsche Forschungs-Gemeinschaft).
  3. Development of an theoretical scheme (mathematical model) of active structural adaptation (atrophy / hypertrophy) as determined by the average functional load according to the principle of W. Roux (1889/1896). Supported by the DFG in 1990 - 1994

Over 100 publications related to the exercise physiology of the metabolic base of human sports performance in endurance related events.
2000 retired, which was exagerated to a perfidous lie (link) which a have never known before 2008. It was the allegation of a support of the "Anabolica Doping" of Cornelia Ender in preparation for the Olympics 1972.

This has never happened because the 13 year old East German swimming wonder child was not treated with anabolic steroids. She won her 3 Silver medals by her own superior swimming performance and her self developed feeling for an optimal training.

This unfair and untrue accusation - I know now - was implemented to ruin my reputation as scientist and to abandone my theoretical work, not by falsification, but simply by so called ethic reservations of two West germans Sports Scientists and also used to abandone my scientific work by Sports Medicine scientists with the so called "highest ethical standards".